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High performance servo proportional valves have a zero lap tightly machined sleeve and spool design to allow for high precision speed and position control. They come with an internal spool position feedback to improve the position control. Proportional hydraulic valves allow infinite position control of the valve spool position with a +10VDC or 4-20ma setpoint signal. The infinite spool position control allows for electronic flow control and position control. The valve comes with on board electronics to power the coils and condition the command for a "plug and play" set up. Power the electronics with a 24VDC power supply and provide the command signal to the designated pin and you are ready to go.
Several spool sizes are available to improve the resolution based on your flow requirements.
Electrical Connector included. 7-Pin
Upgrade from:
Atos DLHZO-TEB... series
Parker D1FP