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Modular reducing valves limit the pressure exiting the valve to the set value of the adjustment. The valve will open if the downstream pressure is lower than the setting. If pressure downstream exceeds the setting it is relieved to tank. The reducing valve can be used to maintain lower pressures in branches of the system while using the higher system pressure for other branches in the system. This valve can be used to lower the pressure to an actuator, protecting it from a higher system pressure.
- D03 (NG6) standard mounting pattern
- Maximum Flow = 9GPM
- Maximum Pressure Setting = 3045PSI
- Minimum Pressure Setting Approximately= 300 PSI
- Manual plastic adjustment knob
- White label, logo free for OEM's
- NBR Buna Seals
- Includes quantity four M5 x 85mm long bolts. Long enough for module and directional valve to be mounted on top.
- Modular design allows stacking of other modules to create custom circuits to improve the system design.
- Modular valves are flexible, easy to replace and maintain without the cost of custom manifolds.
- Weight = 2.9 lbs.
P=reducing valve in (P) pressure port and sensing (P) pressure port
A=reducing valve in (P) port and sensing (A) port

D03 (NG6) Mounting Pattern: